Distance between cities

Check the distance between any two locations in the world

Route distance

Mileage based on actual directions for an awesome road trip between two places.

Direct distance

Miles you would travel if you were to fly directly from one point to another.

Any location

You can check the distance between literally any two locations on planet Earth!

Are you planning a trip cross-country? Are you just curious about how far it really is from London to San Francisco? Either way, WDistances has you covered, being the best distance between cities calculator online.

Simply input your starting city and destination city in the search form and we will calculate the distance for you, along with other really useful information for planning your trip:

  • The exact distance, in miles and kilometers, between any city, town, airport, zipcode or specific address, both for vehicle travel as well as for air travel
  • The estimated travel time to your destination, both by car and by air
  • Approximately how much gas will be needed to complete the trip by vehicle, so you can estimate your fuel expense
  • The direction of travel

WDistances also tells you the local time in both cities, as well as the current weather conditions. You can even find out approximately how long it would take to walk the distance, if you were so inclined to do so!